Power Web3 Socializing

in Real Time

Integrate a customizable full-stack communication experience into your dApps for seamless connectivity.

Power your dApps

with our SDK

SendingNetwork SDK is engineered for scalability, ease, and high performance across every use case enabling web3 communication.



Elevate your chats with specialized bots! Our server-side Go SDK unlocks group chat management and versatile messaging. Build bots that handle diverse standards, like exclusive token-gated chats.

package main

import (
	sdnclient "github.com/sending-network/sendingnetwork-bot"
	log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"

const (
	baseUrl     = "https://portal0101.sending.network" // url of the client node
	userId      = "USER_ID" // current user id
	accessToken = "ACCESS_TOKEN" // get access token from wallet login
	roomId      = "THE_ROOM_ID"  // the room id

func main() {
	// create client
	client, err := sdnclient.NewClient(&sdnclient.Config{
		Endpoint:    baseUrl,
		UserID:      userId,
		AccessToken: accessToken,
	if err != nil {

	// send text message
	resp, err := client.SendText(roomId, "Hello World")
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("send message error: %v\n", err)
	} else {
		log.Infof("send message success: %s\n", resp.EventID)


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JavaScript Client SDK

JavaScript Client SDK

Unlock the power of encrypted wallet-to-wallet messaging with the SendingNetwork JavaScript SDK! Seamlessly Integrate text, audio, and video chat in your web apps, plus live streaming and meetings!

import sdk from "sendingnetwork-js-sdk";

// Get the following contents
const base_url = 'https://portal0101.sending.network';
const user_id = "USER_ID"; // current user id
const access_token = "ACCESS_TOKEN"; // get access token from wallet login
const room_id = "THE_ROOM_ID";  // the room id

// Create client
const client = sdk.createClient({
  baseUrl: base_url,
  userId: user_id,
  accessToken: access_token,

// Send text message
client.sendEvent(room_id, "m.room.message", {
  "body": "Hello World",
  "msgtype": "m.text"
}).then((res) => {
  console.log("send message success");
}).catch((err) => {


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Java SDK

Java SDK

Unlock the power of encrypted wallet-to-wallet messaging with the SendingNetwork Java SDK! Seamlessly integrate end-to-end encrypted communication into your apps!

package com.sending.example;

import com.sending.sdk.Client;
import com.sending.sdk.models.LoginData;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        var baseUrl = "https://portal0101.sending.network"; // url of the client node
        var userId = "USER_ID"; // current user id
        var accessToken = "ACCESS_TOKEN"; // get access token from wallet login
        var deviceId = ""; // optional device id, can be empty
        var roomId = "THE_ROOM_ID"; // the room id

        // create client and set login data
        Client client = new Client(baseUrl);
        var loginData = new LoginData(
                true, // set login success

        // send text message
        try {
            String eventId = client.sendMessage(roomId, "Hello World");
            System.out.println("send message success: " + eventId);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.err.println("send message error: " + e.getMessage());


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Explore our SDK Suite

Deploy Edge Nodes and

Get Rewards

Manage gateways and relay messages across the network and earn rewards as edge node providers.

Deploy Edge Nodes and Get Rewards

Manage gateways and relay messages across the network and earn rewards as edge node providers.

Enable Communication

for every Use Case

Learn more about SendingNetwork and our variety of solutions to discover what fits your needs the best and how to get started.